India-China Border Dispute: De-escalation will Depend on Geopolitical Dynamics

While the entire world has been reeling under the COIVD-19 crisis since the beginning of this year, South Asia has witnessed a spike in border disputes, besides facing the rapid spread of the pandemic itself. Although many of these disputes existed before the COVID period, the Chinese claims of territories in India and Bhutan and Nepal’s claim of three disputed territories which India has traditionally claimed to be it's own has brought a new dimension to the security discourse in the sub-continent.

SACM Assessment

COVID Crisis: Xi ‘Lie’ and Trump ‘Exaggerate’

Developing a vaccine is a serious job. Post the outbreak of Covid-19, many agencies in the world have started working towards the development of a vaccine to stop the spread of Coronavirus. At present, the usable vaccine is still a few months or a year away. As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), currently around 60 vaccine candidates are in the pre-clinical trial stage. For any vaccine to reach the stage of public distribution, normally takes around 12 to 18 months. It is expected that by January/February 2021, the Covid-19 vaccine could become available.


LUMBINI: So near and yet so far for India

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be visiting Nepal once again during August 30-31, 2018. This is his fourth visit to Nepal ever since he assumed office in May 2014. During this late August visit, PM Modi will be primarily attending the BIMSTEC summit and holding a bilateral meeting with Nepal’s premier Khadga Prasad Oli on the sidelines. It is believed that he may sign a couple of bilateral agreements with his counterpart during this meeting.


DSR: "Time to prepare for a Transformed PLA Navy"

August 08, 2018

In this context the PLA Navy offers different challenges, and mere reconnaissance, surveillance and detection of Chinese warships and submarines by the Indian Navy could be termed as ‘business as usual’. The Indian Navy needs a new strategy which is both transformative and tailored to respond to newer war fighting tools unleashed by fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). At least three new capabilities of the PLA Navy are discussed below and merit the attention of the Indian naval planners.

China As Key Variable For India And Russia’s Power Equation

Due to unprecedented rise and global reach of China today, India and Russia are faced with some pertinent challenges. Some of the key issues are: How best to deal with China? Will the Cold War policy of containment work in case of China as mainstream communist ideology has failed for the most part in the post-globalised and post-Cold War phase? Or, simply a bland policy of engagement with China will work as China has adopted a more muscular approach in its conduct of foreign policy?

Dr. Mohammed Badrul Alam

India, Mongolia: Spiritually Connected Powers of Asia

On May 16 Prime Minister Narendra Modi would twit: ‘First Indian Prime Minister is visiting Mongolia after 60 years of our diplomatic relation’. If China is repositioning itself in the Silk Route (ancient India was a major link too) through larger economic thrust, India has to travel in the same breadth and length with the teachings and philosophy of Buddhism in North and East Asia, as Buddhism flourished prior to the Silk Route era.